Guest Post: “Meant to Be Spooked”!

The Tao of Tim

MTBSpookedFCHave you ever wondered what it would be like to match make a ghost? Well, Jane Saunders is about to find out.

Jane Sanders is a professional matchmaker and her new client is to die for. Henry Roberts is a handsome and charming Englishman, someone every woman would want. There’s just one problem. Henry is also ghost, cursed to appear as each woman’s nightmare. Can Jane aid him in his hunt for true love? Or will she experience her first failure and condemn his soul to hell forever?

Check out this excerpt for a taste of what “Cursed by Cupid” has to offer.


Cursed by Cupid
by Naching T. Kassa

The day Henry Roberts came to my door, was a dark and stormy one, but when he
crossed the threshold I felt as though a living, breathing ray of sunshine had stepped in. Not only was the man tall, dark-haired and handsome, he also had…

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New Fiction! Meant to Be…Spooked

Meant to Be Press

Meant to Be Press continues the Love Notes series with…

Meant to Be…Spooked

Falling in love is scary,
especially in these four witty,
otherworldly tales from Meant to Be Press

“Parsers and Prejudice” by Emmy Z. Madrigal
Sometimes digital love is all you got.

In a future world, where men are all but extinct, Laney falls in love with her only companion, a male android built to meet her every need. But when a deadly virus sweeps the bot population, she must do everything she can to save the bot she loves.

“Cursed by Cupid” by Naching T. Kassa
Nothing is scarier than love.

Jane Sanders is a professional matchmaker and her new client is to die for. Henry Roberts is a handsome and charming Englishman, someone every woman would want. There’s just one problem. Henry is also ghost, cursed to appear as each woman’s nightmare. Can Jane aid him…

View original post 195 more words

SUBMISSION CALL: Dark Divinations

I want YOU to submit to my anthology!

Dark Divinations
Edited by Naching T. Kassa

It is the height of Queen Victoria’s rule, the world is powered by steam and seen by gaslight. Fog swirls in the street, while in the parlor, hands are linked. Pale and expectant faces gaze upon a woman, her eyes closed and shoulders slumped. The medium speaks, her tone hollow and inhuman. The séance has begun.

Séances are but one method of divination and communication with the dead. There are many others. From Tarot to the witch board, scrying to numerology, wants it all. We want your Victorian Age stories of Dark Divinations.

First and foremost, your submission must be a horror story and contain something emotionally, physically, or mentally horrifying.

Secondly, it must take place during the Victorian Era. We don’t care if it’s in England, the American West, colonial India, or Africa, it must take place during the years…

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The Inspiration Behind Cursed by Cupid

The Inspiration Behind Cursed by Cupid Or How Henry Roberts Discovered Autocorrect By Naching T. Kassa Horror, romance, and comedy are three of my favorite genres, and when I wrote, “Cursed by Cupid,” for Meant to Be Press’s new anthology, Meant to Be…SPOOKED, I had the opportunity to write all three. It was a dream... Continue Reading →

Meant to Be…Spooked Blog Tour

Meant to Be Press

Get the inside scoop on
Meant to Be…Spooked
during our blog tour!
Parties, excerpts, prizes, and more!

Meant to Be…Spooked The Blog Tour

Oct 16thOfficial Book announcement &
Oct 17thBlog tour list
Oct 18thAnnounce Facebook
Oct 18thThe inspiration behind “Cordial Foe”
Oct 19thThe inspiration behind “The Phone Booth”
Oct 20thReminder about Facebook
Oct 20thFacebook Party!Facebook Party Event
Oct 21stThe inspiration behind “Cursed by Cupid”
Oct 21stAnnouncement of Facebook LIVE
Oct 22ndThe inspiration behind “Parsers and Prejudice”
Oct 22ndMichele’s Spooky Romantic Music Video
Oct 23rdTwitter watch party
Oct 24thFacebook LIVE event
Oct 24thFacebook LIVE event with Emmy Z.Facebook LIVE Event

View original post 440 more words

Final Day of October Frights: Lucy

All good things must come to an end, and unfortunately, another October Frights has drawn to a close. We hope you've enjoyed the stories here on Frighten Me and that you'll return next year for another go round of thrills and chills. Special thanks go to A.F. Stewart for putting this together every year. Without... Continue Reading →

October Frights Day 5: Death’s Gift

  Welcome to Day 5 of October Frights! Naching really enjoyed her birthday yesterday, and so she'd like to give you a little present.  Enjoy "Death's Gift." DEATH’S GIFT By Naching T. Kassa   “Where did you serve?” the young man asked. His words echoed in the dim firelight. Jed avoided his eyes and stared... Continue Reading →

October Frights Day 3: Dark Lady

Today's offering for October Frights is the short and sweet, "Dark Lady." We hope you'll enjoy. We also hope you'll check out the other authors on the Hop. They've got some exciting things going on!   Dark Lady By: Naching T. Kassa   The rule of the universe is feed or bleed. So it has... Continue Reading →

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