free excerpt from horror addicts guide to life 2

Calling All Horror Fans! Press Presents: Free excerpt from Horror Addicts Guide to Life 2 ****************************** Interview with Creator Comika Hartford by Naching T. Kassa Comika began her career writing and performing at the historic Lorriane Hansberry Theater in her hometown of San Francisco with Rhodessa Jones’ award-winning company Cultural Odyssey before graduating from... Continue Reading →

#HorrorAddictsGuide An Interview with Naching T. Kassa


Horror Addicts Guide to Life 2 

Nachingwriterpic2019What is your name and what is your horror area of interest?
My name is Naching T. Kassa and I’m a horror and mystery author.

What is your work in HAGL2 about?
I’m an interviewer for and I have three interviews included in HAGL2. Inside these wondrous pages, you’ll find interviews with the talented Angela Yuriko Smith, the amazing Jess Chua, the inspirational Comika Hartford, and the fabulous Destini Beard.

What is your favorite horror subject and why?
I love interviewing people involved in horror. These authors and personalities have always interested me. I love to hear about their writing process, their inspirations, their motivations, and their work. My other favorite subject is horror entertainment. I write a column for the Horror Writers Association Newsletter about new releases and coming attractions.

What are you looking forward to in the horror genre?
Coming attractions!…

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