You Are Invited to a Facebook Party Today!

Meant to Be Press and the authors of Meant to Be...INSPIRED cordially invite you to attend a special musical and romantic event. Please, join us August 8th at 2:00 PM PDT for fun, romance, and prizes. WHO: Meant to Be Press and the authors of Meant to Be...INSPIRED. WHAT & WHERE: Meant to Be...Inspired Facebook... Continue Reading →

Meant to Be…Inspired Book Trailer

Meant to Be Press

Wondering what our new sampler is all about?
Check out this book trailer for more insight on the stories,
authors and what to expect in…

Meant to Be…Inspired

Meant to Be…Inspired

 Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything. ― Plato

Take a journey through five melody-infused worlds where music inspires love to bloom.

“Tempo of Temptation” by Lela Bay / Regency
Perhaps it is best that Mr. Leon doesn’t recall Petra’s mortifying declaration of love. Could their intense attraction during an impromptu midnight concert inspire her to risk her heart again?

“Contact High” by Emmy Z. Madrigal / New Adult

Raul’s addiction is just another symptom of the hard life he’s been dealt but when Victoria sings, his troubles fade into the background. Can her music inspire him to get clean?

“Her Immortal Beloved” by M.M. Genet…

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New Fiction! Meant to Be…Inspired

Meant to Be Press

Meant to Be Press continues the Love Notes series with…

Meant to Be…Inspired

 Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything. ― Plato

Take a journey through five melody-infused worlds where music inspires love to bloom.

“Tempo of Temptation” by Lela Bay / Regency
Perhaps it is best that Mr. Leon doesn’t recall Petra’s mortifying declaration of love. Could their intense attraction during an impromptu midnight concert inspire her to risk her heart again?

“Contact High” by Emmy Z. Madrigal / New Adult

Raul’s addiction is just another symptom of the hard life he’s been dealt but when Victoria sings, his troubles fade into the background. Can her music inspire him to get clean?

“Her Immortal Beloved” by M.M. Genet / Historical

Beethoven’s plan is to write the ultimate love song that transcends all time for his beloved…

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